Life Style

Friday, November 7, 2008

Galeri Cantik

Sandra Dewi

Galeri Cantik

Dian Sastro

Galeri Cantik

1.Luna Maya

2.Sandra Dewi

3.Dian Sastro Wardoyo

Friday, October 10, 2008

Rambut Indah Berkilau, Mau?

* Hindari berpanas-panasan langsung di bawah terik matahari. Kalau perlu, gunakan topi atau scraff untuk melindungi rambutmu. Bisa juga dengan memberi hair serum atau hair mist untuk menjaga rambut hitammu dari sinar matahari yang menyengat.

* Lebih baik, biarkan rambutmu bebas terurai. Jangan mengikatnya seharian penuh karena bisa membuat rambutmu jadi rapuh.

* Pakai shampo dan conditioner khusus untuk rambut hitam. Biasanya produk ini sudah mengandung formula khusus yaitu vitamin dan pigmen warna gelap.

* Rawat dan manjakanlah rambutmu dengan melakukan hair mask atau hair spa di salon.

* Supaya rambutmu nggak bercabang, lakukan trim alias gunting rambut secara berkala setiap 6 bulan sekali.

* Agar semakin tampak hitam bersinar, lakukanlah smoothing. Ingat, efek pantulan kilau cahaya akan lebih terlihat pada rambut lurus dan halus disbanding dengan rambut yang ikal.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Asian Secret Beauty

Tora Vidyanata, one of Indonesia beauty

Indonesian beauty is based on the concept of getting back to nature with a holistic approach. The ancient tradition of natural health and wellness in the region is called Jamu. Jamu is the Indonesian tradition of using medicinal herbs to treat every aspect of life. In terms of beauty this means blending the leaves, roots, fruits, flowers and barks of various plants into treatments that rejuvenate and nourish the body and also create inner peace which translates to outer beauty. For an Indonesian beauty experience at home, try some of these tips based on traditional Jamu beauty treatments utilized by Indonesian and Javanese royalty for hundreds of years.

Get a Foot Massage

For a traditional Indonesian style foot massage, have the masseuse focus on foot reflexology, and soak your feet in flower water before your massage treatment. Use pumice made from volcanic stone to remove dead skin from your feet before the massage as well.

Use Coconut Milk as a Hair Conditioner

For dry, brittle hair try using the ancient Indonesian remedy of rinsing the hair with coconut milk instead of a commercial conditioner during your shower. The milk will leave your hair moisturized and smelling like coconut.

Give your Body a Steam Treatment

Traditional Indonesian spas offer steam treatments to specific parts of the body to tone the skin and flush toxins. To mimic these treatments, steam parts of the body for a ½ hour at a time. Steam your face by holding it over a sink full of hot water with a towel over your head. Steam other parts of your body by turning your bathroom into a steam-room after a shower.

Try Eating Indonesian Kepel Fruit

Kepel fruit is a brown fruit that is about the size of an egg. The fruit is known in Indonesian beauty as a natural deodorant and eating the fruit is supposed to cause the body tsmell like the aromatic fruit.

Keep Coconut Oil in Close Reach

In Indonesia and Java coconut oil is used to massage the skin and to treat damaged hair. Add a small amount of essential oil of orange flower or rose for added fragrance.

Soak in Goat’s Milk

Mandi Susu is an ancient beauty bath used for princesses of Java to help them maintain soft and youthful looking skin. The old-fashioned treatment was to sit in a goat’s milk bath for 30 minutes and do not rinse afterwards. In a big city Indonesian spa you can get this treatment with new products that take out the taste and smell of the milk but keep the protein content for soft skin. Sheep’s milk or cow’s milk can also be used for mandi susu.

Relax with a Floral Bath

Treat yourself to an Indonesian style floral bath after your home spa treatments. Add fresh or dried petals of jasmine, gardenia, hibiscus, magnolia, and rose to bathwater and soak for 20 minutes to relax your muscles and help build internal wellness.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Rahasia Kecantikan Para Bintang

Dian Sastro, Most sexiest Indonesian model

Asian women are one of the most beautiful women in the world. Their beauty is due not only to the genetics but also to the way they take care of their skin and
the procedures they do to maintain their beauty.
The traditional anti-aging products (creams, moisturizers, serums, masks) that are widely spread in USA and Europe are focused mainly on decreasing the signs of
aging ??� wrinkles, fine lines, age spots. In other words these anti-aging products affect only the surface of the skin. Unlike the western medicine, the traditional
Chinese medicine pay special attention to the whole body, as well as to the factors that lead to premature aging. The Chinese medicine pay attention to the internal
organs, the presence of toxins in the body, the body energy.

We offer you a few simple and easy steps that include homemade masks, exotic foods and products that can transform your skin to a new, better level.

Panex Ginseng

Panex Ginseng, known also as Ginseng is one universal “remedy“ widely used in the Asian countries. Ginseng contains many powerful molecules that drop away
tiredness and stress in the body. It is rich in antioxidants that neutralize the free radicals which can seriously affect the skin. Ginseng also contains large amounts of
natural steroids which are essential for the production of new skin cells.
According to the traditional Chinese medicine Panex Ginseng nourish the heart, the lungs, the spleen, the kidneys and the liver. Ginseng improvers the metabolism
and the blood circulation ??� the two factors that are essential for healthy skin cells and for a younger looking skin.
Bianca Bai, most sexiest Taiwan model

How to use Panex Ginseng

Buy 50g. Panex Ginseng (you can find it at the drugstore) and infuse it with 120ml. mineral water. Put the water and the ginseng in a pan and steam it for
approximately 30 minutes. Drink ?? of the liquid before breakfast and consume the rest of it in the next day. Do this every other day for about two/ three week to
achieve best results.

Pearl Beauty
Asian women use pearl powder for centuries to keep their skin healthy-looking and to keep it nourished. The pearl powder contains amino acids and other elements
that rejuvenate the skin.
The pearl powder soothes inflamed tissues, promotes healing and works especially well for those with sensitive skin as it calms inflammation, redness and skin
irritations. The Asian women take pearl powder internally or apply it topically to smooth their skin and to maintain a younger appearance. Look for the Chinese
Pearl Powder celled Zhen Zhu Mo.

How to use Pearl Powder:
Mix 1 tbsp. pearl powder with a yolk of egg and ?? tbsp. acacia honey. Add 2/ 3 tbsp. water if necessarily to mix the ingredients well. Apply the mixture to your
face for approximately 20 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Rejuvenating foods

Asian women have always included the healthiest foods (that slow down the aging process, improve skin??�s elasticity and decrease the number of wrinkles) in
their diet. These include dates, honey, cherries, rice, cucumbers, avocados, Chinese mushrooms. The Chinese mushrooms for example, not only rejuvenate the skin
but they are also rich in vitamin B, iron, calcium, magnesium. The Chinese mushrooms have a wholesome effect on the blood, the heart and the lungs. These
mushrooms have been recently researched and for their medicinal benefits, most notably for their anti-tumor properties. So buy Chinese mushrooms and cook them
at home. Here you can find very interesting and easy to cook recipes with Chinese mushrooms.

Try acupressure
Acupressure is an ancient healing and rejuvenating “art“ that stimulates the body??�s self-curative abilities. Acupressure involves placing physical pressure by hand,
elbow or with the aid of various devices on different points on the surface of the body.
At first the Asians use acupressure to increase their energy, but later they iscovered that the procedure also improves blood circulation, body metabolism and as a result the facial muscles go slack and the skin becomes more elastic, free-of fine lines and wrinkles. So go to the nearest beauty salon and try this rejuvenating

Life Style